Tuesday, January 20, 2009

saying goodbye to mr. peanut

Well I am obviously really bad at updating this blog, and unfortunately some of my biggest news is the loss of yet another of my feathered friends. I don't remember the exact date at the moment, but my beloved Barn Owl (well, he actually belonged to the nature center, but I took care of him), Barnaby, passed away in October. This was pretty depressing, no, devastating, news. Plus, I had a lot of other pretty crappy things happening in my life at the time, and this was just the straw that broke this camel's back. We had a very special relationship. He let me hold him and massage his "frozen" shoulder, and would take little naps on my lap. He was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It was a privilege to have been a part of his life. I will write more about him later, but this is all I can handle right now. I miss you and love you Barnaby!!!

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